Season 11

11×01 Shot at Dawn

1916: In the month-long Battle of the Somme, numerous people from Midsomer County take part, 15 privates from Midsomer Parva alone. Among them is Thomas “Tommy” Hicks, who left the battlefield wounded on the disastrously devastating first day of battle (July 1st). He is found guilty in the Courts Martial trial as a deserter and sentenced to die. He is shot by his friend Douglas “Dougie” Hammond (after the firing squad failed to hit him).
The other war dead from Midsomer Parva are: Burton Black, Arthur Brown, Harold Brown, Charles Gordon, Shirley Gordon, Chancey Jenkins, Harry Knight, Claud Lockhart, Layton Long, Donald Miller, Arthur Miller, Robert Moore, Vaughn Park and Claud Parsons.
Deep Dive: Midsomer and the Battle of the Somme

11×02: Blood Wedding

Sometime between 1642 and 1651 (Civil War): The Fitzroy family owning Bledlow Village is a Catholic family with, among other things, priest holes in the building to celebrate Catholic Mass in secret.
Deep Dive: The Civil War, pt. 2

11×05: The Magician’s Nephew

1526: A monk working for the Inquisition writes a letter telling that he owns part of the Tyndale Bible. (Note: it is not explicitly stated that this monk lived in Midsomer County, but his letter is found in a library there.)
Deep Dive: William Tyndale

11×07: Talking to the dead

Sometime between 1536 and 1541 (Dissolution of Monasteries: The abbey at Monks Barton is dissolved – by force, because the monks probably refused to give it up. However, they are driven into flight by the royal soldiers and literally hunted down and slaughtered in the adjacent Monks Barton Wood.
Deep Dive: The Dissolution of the Monasteries in Midsomer Murders