In Remembrance in Midsomer County in 2024

(Caution: Contains spoilers for Episodes: 02×01: Death’s Shadow, 02×02: Strangler’s Wood, 02×03: Dead Man’s Eleven, 02×04 Blood Will Out, 03×01: Death of a Stranger, 11×07: Days of Misrule)

In 2024, no anniversaries will be celebrated in Midsomer – at least none that end with -25, -50, -75 or -00. But there are a few death anniversaries.

Note: I’m referring to the year of first broadcast in the UK, unless the date of death on the coffin or something is stated otherwise.


50 years ago

Mrs Parkes from Calham Cross

She died giving birth to Jamie.


25 years ago

Dr. Ian Aycott from ??? (probably in Midsomer County)

He was knocked unconscious and then burned alive after his clinic was set on fire.


Richard Bayly from Badger’s Drift

He was decapitated with an Indian sword.


Hector Bridges from Martyr Warren

He was shot in the chest with his shotgun.


Tara Cavendish from Fletcher’s Cross

She was bludgeoned to death with a Cricket bat.


Carla Constanza from ??? (in Little Worthy)

She was picked up in a vehicle, strangled with a necktie, stripped and left in Strangler’s Wood.


Michael Darrow from Upper Marchwood(?)

After falling into a trench and getting his leg caught in a bear trap, he was clubbed on the head with a tree branch.


Patricia Draper (called herself Patricia Smith) from Fletcher’s Cross

She accidentally was stabbed in self-defence with a cake knife during a struggle where she was trying to slash the wrists of Robert Cavendish with the same knife after drugging him.


Simon Fletcher from ??? (in Badger’s Drift where he grew up)

He was shot in the back with an arrow.


Ben Gurdie from Upper Marchwood

He was shot with his shotgun in the back and the scene was arranged to appear as suicide.


Charles Jennings from Fletcher’s Cross

He was stabbed in the back with a dagger while changing the Cricket score.


David MacKillop from Aspern Tallow

He died of unspecified circumstances. His remaining wife is led to believe that he haunts the local museum and former home of Jonathan Lowrie.


Mrs Mortimer, resident at Lawnside in Aspern Tallow („Lawnside Private Residential Nursing Home for the Elderly“)

She died of natural causes.


Helena Myhill from Mods Mire

Spoiler - Midsomer Murders 24x02
She died due to an explosion caused by a gas leak.


Leonard Pike from Little Worthy

He was stabbed repeatedly in shower with a knife.


Ron Pringle from Upper Marchwood

He fell from a horse that had been doped at high speed, possibly breaking his head or neck.


Anna Santarosa from Little Worthy

She was hit by a vehicle and then injected with a fatal dose of liquid nicotine.


John Smith from Martyr Warren

During a struggle in his trailer he was pushed and hit his head on a basin corner. It’s implied but never confirmed he took the fall for Fleur Bridges.


Grahame Tranter from Upper Marchwood

He committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree.


Marcia Tranter from Upper Marchwood

She was shot with a shotgun.


Rev. Stephen Wentworth from Badger’s Drift

He committed suicide by jumping from the top of the scaffolding surrounding the church.


David Whitely from Badger’s Drift

He was locked inside his trailer while he was sleeping and burned alive after the trailer was set on fire.


May they all rest in peace.




Read more about Midsomer Murders & History

The Chronology of Midsomer County by Year or by EpisodesDeep Dives into Midsomer & History.

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I would like to point out that this is an unofficial fan site. I am not connected to Bentley Productions, ITV or the actors.



Petra Tabarelli has studied history and has earned an international reputation as an expert on the history and development of football rules. But she is also a big fan of Midsomer Murders - and that's why this website about history and nostalgia in and around Midsomer exists. She was looking for a website like this, couldn't find it, so she madw it. For others who, like her, are looking for the website, and now can find it.

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