Season 12

12×02: The Black Book

1742: The landscape painter Henry Hogson is born.

1792: Maybe Henry Hogson depicts a painting of Bishop John Fletcher fly-fishing in Bishop’s Drift, despite his arthritis. (12×02: The Black Book) (Note: It is not entirely clear whether it exists in the original and additionally exists as a forgery or whether the original was never painted.)

1810: The landscape painter Henry Hogson dies.

1963: Arnold Simms founds the School of Art.

12×03: Secrets and Spies

17th century: In Midsomer Parva, Deacon Henry of Causton probably writes the Midsomer Chronicle (“in 16 summat”)

1982: Malcolm Frazer, Nicky Frazer, Jenny Frazer (birth name not known) and Jimmy Wells from the British secret service help refugees to get from East Berlin to West Berlin. Jimmy Wells, however, is betrayed by Nicky Frazer and arrested by the Stasi. Nicky Frazer marries Jenny, who was actually a couple with Jimmy. Later, Jenny Frazer and Jimmy Wells learn of the betrayal, noted in the Wolfman file.

12×04: The Glitch

Deep Dive: St Frideswide

Before 43 BC (Celts): The Celts have a shrine at Midsomer Sanctae where St Frideswide Abbey is later built.

About 1300: Start of Frideswide pilgrimages in Midsomer County: Very many pilgrim groups use Pilgrims’ Ride at Midsomer Sanctae to make a pilgrimage to the Abbey of St Frideswide to ask the saint for blessings and help.

Sometime between 1536 and 1541 (Dissolution of Monasteries): The Abbey of St Frideswide in Midsomer Sanctae is dissolved. It is no longer used and falls into ruin.